Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 6

Well, apparently my depressive rants have made people really worry about me. That was never my goal. I'm not suicidal, I'm not gonna harm myself or anyone else, I'm just really really down right now. Though today I'm slightly better.....slightly.

I'm still extremely sick at my stomach. I ate 2 bread sticks and about 4 crackers today, and each time I ate my stomach just rolled and rolled. You can hear the food make it's way down my digestive system. And am dehydrated. Booooooo. I'm trying to keep the fluids going, so I'm hoping THAT doesn't get too bad.

I have some really great friends. And a really great NEW friend. I got several emails, pm's, txts, last night from people worried about me. Again, I never wanted to worry anyone. I'm just trying to get out my feelings and not hold them in. For me, holding my feelings in is very destructive. Much more so than getting them out. Anyway, after talking with several people, I'm set on getting a full out physical after the beginning of the month. Complete with blood tests and a long converstation with the Dr.

Also next month my son FINALLY has an appt with the Marcus Institute. We are going to finally hopefully get a diagnoses for him about his autism. Nothing but good can come of this. Anything to give me ideas of what we need to be doing for him, to grow and live.

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