Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 17

I feel fan-frakkin'-tastic. I'm thinking that there is a true link between me not working out and my depression. I've been really hitting it the past couple of weeks, and my mind and body haven't felt this good in ages. legs are in pain....and my abs....but it's a good pain. lol.

I'll be posting again about my son and his test results when I have the test scores in my hand. But I can tell you that he has been formally diagnosed with autisim.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 16

Wowzers, I'm being really lame on my blog. I'll try to do better....I promise.

I did P90 Sweat 1-2 w/ AR100 yesterday. No side stitch (thank goodness) and really worked hard to isolate my abs during the ab ripper. Then today I did P90 Sculpt 3-4. That's right guys, I upped the ante and did a 3-4 workout. I needed to push myself, and I felt it at the end of the workout. Yay for pushing yourself!!!!! I'll be doing Sweat 3-4 tomorrow.

A friend of mine's sister passed away yesterday. It was expected, but still, you can never truely prepare yourself for the death of a loved one. Once again cancer has struck. I hate cancer.

I'm pms'ing to the extreme. Any little thing is setting me off. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Went to the crazy doctor yesterday and she's upped my meds. The way I've been feeling of late, just isn't good. I did tell her that I'm back to working out, and cleaning up my diet, and she said that would help things for sure. But she wanted to up my meds to even things out while my body adjusts. If it'll help the depression and crazy mood swings, I'm all for it. And it should also help my pms.............maybe next month....LOL.

I'm up to date on Spartacus: Blood and Sand now. And all I can say about it is HOLY WOW!!! It is fantastic. I've gotta say I didn't like it so much when it first started, but after about episode 3 it really picked up and was getting good. Then after episode 6.....just wow. I'm praying for the lead star Andy. He has non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Again....cancer. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 15

Can't believe I forgot to post yesterday. Oops. On the workout front, I did P90 Sweat 1-2 w/ AR100. Today, I warmed up with a 1 mile walk/jog (more jog than walk WOOHOO). The brought it with P90 Sculpt 1-2. Owie.....but good owie.

I'm pms'ing right now and find myself having major ups and downs. But thankfully more ups than downs. And I've figured out a way to stop myself when I get crazy mad.....I just go lay down. I actually realized yesterday that I was ranting about something of no concern, stopped myself, and just said....I'm gonna go lay down. And that's what I did. It worked....and I ended up taking a much needed nap.

I've decided to structure my workouts. I'll be doing it at 10am 6 days a week. I used to workout late at night, but I've found recently that that hindered my abilitly to go to sleep. So I'm trying out mid morning and see how that goes. So far, it's been great. Both kids are at school so I have the house to myself. It's alot more pleasent to workout without having to dodge kids.

Today is the day we're going to fill our fridge with healthy foods. Looks like I'll be cooking again....BOOOO. lol. I just wish there were more recipes for people who can't eat seafood. Eating chicken all the time gets OLD. So if anyone has good healthy recipes for none seafood food, it would be greatly appreciated!!!

And on a sour note....I'm Netflixing my way through True Blood....and not enjoying it very much. I just watched Season 1 Episode 4, and the only thing I'm really enjoying is Sam....and now Eric. But I do see the actors getting more comfortable in their roles. I will continue to watch, I've just gotta seperate the show from the books. I love the books.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 14

Well, I've been on vacation the past week. If you can really call it that. Sunday April 4 was of course Easter Sunday. That (for us) means sunrise service. And considering that our church is 40min drive away, that made for an EXTRA early morning. Then packing and more packing and then a movie 2012....alright movie....but not the best. Then we headed up to Griffin on Monday. We spent the evening with my mother-in-law, and go up extra early to get on te road to Atlanta. WE took Colin up to Atlanta to the Marcus Institute to get him assessed for Autism. He did SOOOOO GOOD!!!!! We go back on the 20th to get the results. But to say the was a long day for the three of us. Laurana had stayed with her she got to sleep late...LOL.

From there we headed to my mom's house in Clarkesville. Let's just made me homesick. Beautiful weather, hanging with my mom, playing at Demorest park, hanging with my was THE MOST fun. We didn't get to stay nearly long enough. The only thing to mare it was the kids not sleeping well at night. I feel like I hadn't slept all week. So now, I'm ready for my vacation...LOL.

I haven't worked out at all this past week. And I have eaten everything in sight. I don't know what's wrong with me...I'm eating EVERYTHING. Well, everything bad. Chocolate, salty stuff, hamburgers, pizza, and at the moment I'm craving Taco Bell like it's cocaine. WTF????

But tomorrow brings a new day. I'm setting a schedule for myself workout wise. And everything else wise as well. So keep me accountable. Not only to my workouts, but to my blog as well.....I've missed writing here. I'll try to even write what I've eaten....I hate doing that. But I will try. Even the bad stuff that sneak their way in. :P

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 13

I love the number 13. It's my second favorite number. My very favorite is 3. It's been 3 since a was really little. Dale Murphy's number was 3 and I adored him!!!! So whenever I played a sport, I'd try to be #3. And if I couldn't be that I'd want 13 or 33. Anyway....just a little tidbit about me. :)

Didn't workout yesterday, but still had a good day. I faced MY fears and chaperoned Laurana's Easter Party field trip. It went really well. I actually felt comfortable in my own skin. All the other mom's knew each other and were grouped together talking. So I just kinda sat by myself and watched Laurana play. I did talk to her teacher and learned she's being moved up to the higher reading class!!! Woohoo!!!! Half a year of school and she's outlearning alot of the kids that have been there the whole year. WAY TO GO DOODLE!!!

I'm addicted to the show Lie To Me. It's soooooooo good. And now I find myself watching peoples faces and body language. You better watch out if you lie to me these days least if you do it in

I'm also loving Spartacus: Blood and Sand. I only started watching it because my friend Matt was gonna be in some of the later episodes, but once I can't STOP watching it. Though I have to sneek it in after the kids are in bed due to all the blood and naked people. I am glad to know that Matt will not be one of said naked people. Not sure I coulda looked him OR his lovely wife Kristy in the eye if he had been...hehehe. Love my NZ friends!!!

Took yesterday as my rest day. Enjoy spending the day with my family. Easter festivities in full swing!
Today brought P90 Sweat 1-2 w/AR100. For some reason I'm getting a really bad stitch in my side during run lunges. This is the second time it's happened. Today I took a short 2min break and downed half a bottle of water, stretched a tiny bit and got right back to it. Is that the right thing to do???

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 12

I've been all about working out the past couple of days. I'm reallllllllly enjoying it. Today was P90 Sculpt 1-2. I need to get some heavier weights, but for now I'm just rocking out as many reps as I feel I can. I might go ahead and jump up to Sculpt 3-4. My arms are popping back FAST. I've still got a long way to go, but I'm feeling stronger already. And....I'm greasin' the groove as well. Which is the way I say, I'm popping out pull-ups whenever I happen to pass underneath my pull-up bar. Which is hanging between my living room and kitchen. So far, I'm back up too two consecutive pull-ups. WOOHOO!!!! lol

Emotionally I feel better than I have in a lonnnnnnnng time. Coming up on Spring Break week where we get to go see Bryan's mom and my mom and also take Colin to the Marcus Institute. We've waited 9mths to get an appointment, so to finally get up there and get him looked at....I'm thrilled. Any help we can get is appreciated.

Also...tomorrow is Autism awareness day. To help spread the word about this disease, wear blue. Let's let people know that this is growing every day. More and more kids are being diagnosed, and the help just isn't out there like it needs to be. You shouldn't have to wait 9mths to get an appt. my soapbox....for now...LOL

Oh...and Nathan Fillion has said today, that there WILL be a prequel made of Firefly.

April Fool's :D